
Our recreational gymnastics classes run for 1 hour a week and is designed to engage children in gymnastics in a fun and friendly way.  Our aim is to develop strength, flexibility, coordination, fitness and confidence.

At the first level, the gymnasts will learn to develop basic movement patterns using apparatus, which is appropriate to their level.  As they gain confidence and skill, they will progress onto more specific skill sets and larger apparatus.

Our recreational Gymnastics classes work towards British Gymnastics Rise Programme.


Recreational Gymnastics classes promotes:


–  Aids your child to become physically active, stay fitter, stronger and healthier

This coordination, strength and confidence can continue throughout your child’s life and into adulthood.

–  Regular exercise from a young age can significantly reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes in adulthood.

– Gymnastics also offers cognitive benefits.Research suggests that there is a strong correlation between physically fit children and academic achievement. This means that every time you send your child to gymnastics class, they’re getting an opportunity to engage in physical exercise that encourages healthy brain function